Andrúmsloftið í Davos
29.1.2009 | 12:02
Þetta er af vef BBC um breytt andrúmsloft á World Economic Forum.
"No wonder the swagger of bankers and hedge fund managers is gone. In fact, it is difficult to find bankers here. Most of Wall Street's top bosses have decided to stay in New York in their offices.
The people that have come to Davos fall into two categories: they are either humbled or deeply concerned.Davos has always been about keeping up appearances. But the style has changed. A couple of years ago, venture capital bosses did not think twice about impressing their guests with expensive vintage wines.
This year, showing off is ever so politically incorrect.
One chief executive mused that while "out of principle" he wouldn't use a helicopter to fly from Zurich airport to Davos, now it wouldn't play well with his shareholders either."
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